MOVE IT like Lublin


Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public. MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, mobilitate urbana durabila, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila

Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public. Transport public chisinau, mobilitate urbana durabila, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila

Transport durabil, transport sigur.

Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public. MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila. Transport durabil. Transport sigur.

MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila. Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public. Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public.

MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila. Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public.



Dezvoltare durabila a transportului public.

Proiectul Uniunii Europene „MOVE IT like Lublin” a prezentat raportul privind mobilitatea urbană în mun. Chișinău În contextul dezvoltării Planului

The managers of the municipal transport institutions in Chisinau were last week on a study visit to the cities of Prague

During the period of November 21-26, 2022, the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, funded by the European Union, organized a study visit to the Public Transport Authority in Lublin (ZTM)

The project "MOVE IT like Lublin" – the Sustainable Public Transport Development Initiative in the municipality of Chișinău, funded by the European Union and implemented by the

In order to increase the attractiveness of public transport and to improve the connectivity of the route network in the metropolitan area of Chisina

Chisinau City Hall, with the support of the EU Project "MOVE IT like Lublin", an initiative for the sustainable development of public

During October 5-7, 2022, a delegation from Chisinau undertook a working visit to the city of Lublin, Poland.

Reprezentanții Proiectului UE „MOVE IT like Lublin” – inițiativă de dezvoltare durabilă a transportului public din municipiul Chișinău au participat

The city of Chisinau, with the support of the project "MOVE IT like Lublin" - The initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in the municipality of Chisinau

The team of the "MOVE IT like Lublin" Project - the initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in the municipality of Chisinau, financed by the

On Tuesday, 26 July 2022, the first meeting of the Working Group on Public Transport took place in the Chisinau City Hall. The event was organized within the

Between July 17-22, 2022, representatives of Chisinau City Administration participated in a study visit, complemented by a training program in the city of Lublin, Poland.