MOVE IT like Lublin

MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, mobilitate urbana durabila, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila

Transport public chisinau, mobilitate urbana durabila, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila

Benzi dedicate transportului public

MOVE IT like Lublin, transport public chisinau, planul de mobilitate urbana durabila. Benzi dedicate transportului public.

Performed activities


Capitalized budget

0 mln EUR

Project duration


The main objectives to be achieved through the implementation of the Project are

The project activities aim to support local authorities in Chisinau to transform municipal public transport into a more inclusive, safer, more resilient and sustainable transport.

Improving public transport policies at municipal level

Increasing the institutional capacity of the Chisinau City Administration in the field of urban mobility, in accordance with EU practices

Increasing the quality of public transport management in Chisinau and Lublin by implementing innovative solutions and technologies

The final beneficiaries of the project are all categories of passengers from Chisinau.

Expected project implementation results

Ex-post assessment of the reorganization of the General Directorate for Urban Mobility. Procurement procedure: Low value procedure

Advocacy services for implementing Policy Briefs. Procurement procedure: Low value procedure

Communication and promotion services for the activities of the "MOVE IT like Lublin – A Chisinau public transport sustainable development initiative " Project
