A new study visit to Lublin, within the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, funded by the EU
During the period of November 21-26, 2022, the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, funded by the European Union, organized a study visit to the Public Transport Authority in Lublin (ZTM), Poland.
The delegation included managers from various municipal institutions: the General Directorate of Public Transport and Communication, the Municipal Enterprise "Urban Bus Park," the Municipal Enterprise "Electric Transport Directorate Chișinău," and the Municipal Enterprise "LUMTEH Electric Lighting Networks."
Thus, 10 representatives from Chișinău had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the activities of the Public Transport Authority (ZTM), the Municipal Transport Company (MPK), and the Urban Trolleybus and Bus Park during their stay in Lublin.
During the training workshops, the representatives from Chișinău learned more about the planning and regulatory norms for public transportation, the methodology for calculating travel fares, road infrastructure maintenance, urban cycling development, street lighting systems, and traffic signal organization.
The objective of the study visit was to acquire the best practices for developing the urban public transportation system, which will be implemented in Chișinău.
The "MOVE IT like Lublin" project - the initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in the municipality of Chisinau, financed by the European Union, is implemented on the basis of a partnership between the City Hall of Chisinau and the City Hall of Lublin in Poland. The project will be implemented by 2025 and will provide support to transform the city's public transport services into a more inclusive, safer, more resilient and sustainable transport system. The total budget of the project is in the amount of 3,500,000 euros, of which 3,325,000 euros is the contribution of the European Union in the form of a grant, and 175,000 euros are allocated by the Chisinau City Hall.