MOVE IT like Lublin

Briefly about sustainable urban mobility

What represents a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan?

The vision for sustainable mobility in European cities is rooted in the concept of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. The SUMP represents a strategic approach that focuses on providing comprehensive mobility solutions that leads to a long-term improvement of quality of life for all social groups, economic growth, while protecting the environment and adapting to climate change. A SUMP is an integrated, long-term transport strategy with clear objectives and targets aimed at better accessibility and quality of life for the city and its functional urban area.

  • Sustainable: the mobility needs of present and future generations are met at municipal and regional level.

  • Strategic: there is a process, not just a plan.

  • Incorporated: mobility planning established a variety of links (spatial, sectoral, temporal).

​The SUMP uses a holistic approach to the urban mobility of people and goods, which aims to balance economic, social and environmental objectives. ​It builds on existing planning practices and takes due account of the principles of integration, participation and evaluation.

Characteristics of sustainable urban mobility

Improving the quality of life

Sustainable urban mobility planning increases the quality of life in an urban area.​

Saving costs and creating economic benefits

A healthier environment and less crowding help to substantially reduce costs for the local community and attract new businesses.

Contributing to better health and the environment

More sustainable mobility translates directly into better air quality and less noise. 

Asigurarea mobilității fară probleme și îmbunătățirea accesului

Sustainable urban mobility planning is an excellent tool to create door-to-door multimodal transport solutions.

More efficient use of limited resources

Planning for sustainable urban mobility shifts the focus to a balanced mix of measures, including lower cost mobility management measures.​

Gaining public support

Stakeholder and citizen involvement is a core principle of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

Making better plans

Planners can better understand the mobility needs of different user groups when they receive early feedback.

Effective fulfillment of legal obligations

Legal obligations to improve air quality and reduce noise are just two examples of a range of national and European regulations.

Leveraging synergies, increasing relevance

Urban mobility issues often span administrative boundaries, relate to multiple policy areas or involve a wide range of departments and institutions.

The shift to a new mobility culture

The SUMP forms a vision that is agreed upon by the major political groups and shared by the institutions and citizens that make up an urban society.