MOVE IT like Lublin

Exchange of experience within the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project for improving Chișinău's public transport system

A group of experts in public transportation and urban development from Lublin, Poland, conducted a study visit to Chișinău from September 25th to September 29th, 2023, as part of the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Chișinău City Hall.

The delegation included representatives from the Lublin Public Transport Authority (ZTM):

Kamil Pilarski, Agnieszka Musur, Katarzyna Rudnik, and the director of the Lublin Municipal Transport Company, Tomasz Fulara. Their visit to Chișinău aimed to familiarize them with the current state of the urban public transport system and to share best European practices in the field.

The visit's agenda featured several meetings with the Project Implementation Unit, the Chișinău City Hall leadership, and the General Directorate of Urban Mobility. Additionally, the delegation representatives held meetings with municipal enterprises such as the Chișinău Electric Transport Company and the Urban Bus Park. The experts from Lublin provided recommendations on improving the existing infrastructure, expanding the vehicle fleet, implementing an intelligent traffic management system, installing information panels at waiting stations, and optimizing the energy consumption of transportation units.

Discussions also covered a wide range of topics related to the actions carried out and planned within the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, including the development of "Park and Ride" car park, the establishment of a Traffic Monitoring Center, the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the city, and the introduction of an e-ticketing system for trolleybuses and buses in Chișinău.

"We are deeply grateful to our partners from Lublin for this exchange of experience. These have been highly dynamic days, with essential recommendations for the development of a more advanced, efficient, and environmentally friendly public transport system that successfully meets the needs of travelers and significantly contributes to improving the quality of life in the city. Our common goal remains unchanged: to provide the most pleasant experience for travelers and actively engage in the sustainable development of the city," emphasized Olga Lozan, Project Manager of the "MOVE IT like Lublin".

This is the second visit to Chișinău by the Lublin Public Transport Authority (ZTM) team within the framework of the "MOVE IT like Lublin" project, with financial support from the European Union.

Context information:

The "MOVE IT like Lublin" project - the initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in the municipality of Chisinau, financed by the European Union, is implemented on the basis of a partnership between the City Hall of Chisinau and the City Hall of Lublin in Poland. The project will be implemented by 2025 and will provide support to transform the city's public transport services into a more inclusive, safer, more resilient and sustainable transport system. The total budget of the project is in the amount of 3,500,000 euros, of which 3,325,000 euros is the contribution of the European Union in the form of a grant, and 175,000 euros are allocated by the Chisinau City Hall.