MOVE IT like Lublin

Within "MOVE IT Like Lublin" project, workshops were held to develop a study on the electronic ticket system

The "MOVE IT Like Lublin" project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Chisinau City Hall, organized a series of workshops on April 16-17 and April 22-24, 2024, to develop a study on the electronic ticket system in the capital's public transport.

The workshops were moderated by the experts of the consortium consisting of Urban Scope (leader), Bizmatters Consulting, and the Romanian Smart City Association, responsible for elaborating the study.

These discussions were attended by the deputy mayor of the capital, Ilie Ceban, the project implementation unit, representatives of the General Directorate of Urban Mobility, as well as representatives of the Municipal Transport Enterprises.

In the first week, activities focused on the financial component of the interim report on the electronic ticket system. Bilateral discussions took place regarding the current tariff structure, the financial situation of public transport operators, economic planning, as well as other important aspects.

Experts from the General Directorate of Urban Mobility, the Electric Transport Company, and the Urban Bus Park were trained on various institutional organization practices for managing the electronic ticket system, examining examples from cities such as Bucharest, Madrid, and Budapest. Additionally, best practices regarding compensation and subsidies for vulnerable groups, beneficiary categories, and their sources of coverage were presented, using examples from Bucharest, Buzau, and London.

In the second week, implementation strategies, electronic ticket system technology, system architecture and components, proposed solutions, recommendations, and risks related to the electronic ticket system were discussed in detail.

Additionally, fare products and associated commercial procedures were discussed. Operational security aspects, centralized data processing, technologies used for cards and QR codes, as well as the ticket validation process were also discussed. Experts from Romania presented step-by-step all the essential components for the efficient and coordinated implementation of the electronic ticket system. Within the thematic workshops, the results of the opinion survey regarding travelers' needs and preferences were also presented.

From April 22 to April 24, 2024, the consortium members visited the Urban Bus Park and the Electric Transport Company to become familiar with the current fare system, sales methods, and previous electronic ticket initiatives.


The "MOVE IT like Lublin" project - the initiative for the sustainable development of public transport in the municipality of Chisinau, financed by the European Union, is implemented on the basis of a partnership between the City Hall of Chisinau and the City Hall of Lublin in Poland. The project will be implemented by 2025 and will provide support to transform the city's public transport services into a more inclusive, safer, more resilient and sustainable transport system. The total budget of the project is in the amount of 3,500,000 euros, of which 3,325,000 euros is the contribution of the European Union in the form of a grant, and 175,000 euros are allocated by the Chisinau City Hall.